Written by
Petra Rapaic
6 minutes

Key Takeaways

Remember how Charles Dickens described the education of his time - dark, torturous, ghastly? We are all glad circumstances changed drastically after that time, especially with the advent of the internet. So now, you can study to your heart's content and from the comfort of your favorite place on mobile devices, whether it’s a home, cafe, or train. 

Still, one fear may never change: the constant danger that someone can steal something from you. It may not be your favorite blanket, a bowl of soup, or a purse total of coins, but this time, something else–your bank account, your mother's maiden name, the name of your pet–and, lo, all your money and passwords are gone. Disturbing, right?

That is why security awareness e-learning must become regular, and data protection in the learning management system must become second nature.

Can you study online and  be safe?

According to Statista research, online education is experiencing a significant boom. By 2029, the number of students choosing online education over traditional education will be 87.6 million. The number is constantly growing; experts estimate it will increase by 17.6% this year alone. 

With so many people going online every day to study and log on with their data, such as names and bank accounts, it’s important to maintain safety to the highest level. After all, nobody wants to risk delivering private information to potential hacker attacks.

With the number of students online growing, it seems wise to protect their data against cyber attacks and ensure they can study safely from the comfort of their laptops and mobile devices. 

One of the most efficient solutions nowadays is using a learning management system for data protection. 

So, let’s explain how you can still study online safely and what LMS data protection means in this picture.

Importance of data security in online education

What is data protection? Data protection is a system that helps students and schools safeguard their data, study material, students' records, and course material. 

Having great learning management systems and data protection increases students' trust in the school, which leads to more satisfied students, more recommendations, and, therefore, more students. So it’s crucial to keep track of cyber threats–since they’re always evolving–and compare them with the good guys and their security protocols.

Data encryption: You can store more data than before

The ability to store data has a significant role in online education. Gone are the days of limited storage space–digital platforms can’t live up to their name if they can’t allow for endless amounts of information to be collected and stored. That means schools can gather students' progress reports and learning materials and have every possible data with the click of the mouse.

More storage options come with more teaching options: one-on-one, personalized, or improvised. This can pose a more significant breach threat.

Security vulnerabilities: Cyber attacks are a serious issue 

Think of cyber threats as bullies waiting for those poor Dickens students to attend school. On the way there, bullies intend to intercept them, do some harm, and take away something (usually money) from students. That can significantly ruin your school day if you ever make it there after this. 

Nowadays, cyber threats are slightly more sophisticated than bullies with clubs. They can come in various forms, such as ransomware attacks and phishing. They evolve, and so protection must evolve as well. For instance, now it's accustomed to using mobile user authentication or receiving emails about unauthorized users. Many sites will advise for solid login credentials, multiple logins, antivirus software, and mobile security features for better data encryption.

Worried about your Edtech Platforms Privacy and Security? Get an Edtech Expert to help you. 

Top 8 best practices for LMS data protection

Where there is trouble, there is a solution. That is why we have at least eight practices for LMS data protection.

Students are giving data privacy compliance, giving their trust to online schools and platforms, and the best thing that schools can do is to protect their data and reciprocate that trust. 

Data encryption and security features network communication

Data encryption involves encoding information so that only authorized personnel can access it. When you make sure that all data transmitted between users and LMS is encrypted, you can prevent unauthorized access. 

Secure network communication includes some protocols such as HTTPS to securely transmit data over the internet. This makes data safe during transmission. 

Multi-factor authentication

Schools may implement measures where you’ll need to identify yourself more than once or in one way. You’ll need to provide two or more verification factors before granting access (checking that you’re not a robot doesn’t apply in this situation, sorry). 

Multi-factor authentication goes beyond just passwords and adds extra elements. Some of them are: 

  • SMS codes
  • Biometric scans
  • Security tokens

The more multiple logins there are, the more secure your data is. Even if one of the layers is breached, the others will stand guard. 

Regular backups and disaster recovery plan

Backing up data should be done routinely and as often as possible. Also, you need a recovery plan in case, God forbid, hackers do manage to do something terrible to your data. 

Schools and other educational institutions should implement automated backup solutions that can securely store data both on-site and off-site. Established practices have strong anti-virus software to protect company data, to employ user permissions in order to restrict access, and to have a secure sockets layer to avoid system failures.

User access management and authorization setting

Remember those bullies with clubs that threaten your knowledge access? Well, you can turn the tables and begin controlling who can access your data. That way, the risk of unauthorized breaches and data leaks is reduced. How can you do that?

  • Limiting access based on responsibilities and roles 
  • Adopting least privilege principles and user roles
  • Leverage advanced technologies like single sign-on (SSO)
  • Implement user role-based access control (RBAC) to assign specific privileges based on job functions or academic levels
  • Prioritize user training on best practices for password management and recognizing phishing attempts 
  • Make sure that users can access only from certain IP addresses and ask for a secret key (a specific password)

Let’s keep going on modern learning management systems and its methods!

Educating staff and students on security awareness e-learning 

To make the school or any other educational institution safe, students, professors, and other staff need to be educated about cyber-security threats and how to avoid them. By raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding privacy, sensitive, and other information, you are giving them an active role in making online learning a more secure place. 

You can do so with training sessions and workshops, sharing practical tips on identifying e-learning risks, understanding threats, and giving tips on how to avoid them. After all, knowledge is the key.

EdisonOS- A Leading LMS solution with Industry's best LMS security features and Data encryption

EdisonOS is a premier Learning Management System (LMS) solution designed to revolutionize online education. With its Industry LMS security features and robust data encryption, EdisonOS stands as a beacon of trust and reliability in safeguarding sensitive data for educational information.

At its core, EdisonOS prioritizes data protection, ensuring that every piece of information shared within the platform is shielded from unauthorized access and necessary for education. Its advanced encryption protocols provide an impenetrable layer of security, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of user data.

EdisonOS, as an LMS provider, goes the extra mile to prevent potential breaches. From secure authentication processes to real-time monitoring, every aspect of EdisonOS is meticulously crafted to uphold the highest standards of security. The platform limits management access based on individual roles, ensuring data is protected and handled securely. Parents can monitor student access by creating multiple profiles with a single account. EdisonOS also implements advanced access methods such as the Single Sign On and tracks user logins upholding security by monitoring LMS activity.

When hosting live sessions, the EdisonOS platform ensures that the live classes are secure and conducted by authorized instructors or management personnel. Proctored exams, transparency in assessment grading, monitored student interactions and discussions, and live tracking of student activity during tests are some more features EdisonOS provides to improve auditing and enhance security for institutions.

With EdisonOS, educators and learners alike can rest assured knowing that their data is in safe hands. By adhering to best practices in LMS data protection, EdisonOS empowers institutions to embrace the limitless potential of online education without compromising on security.

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Monitoring and auditing of LMS data protection 

Ensuring information within an LMS system is safe is essential for online education. One key way to uphold this security is by regularly monitoring and auditing LMS activity. Schools can do so by keeping a close eye on:

  • User interactions
  •  Content Access
  • Users log
  • IP addresses

That way, administrators can detect any anomalies or security breaches. 

This proactive approach allows swift responses to potential threats and breaches. Also, regular audits help identify areas where security measures may need to be strengthened.

Compliance with privacy regulations and security features

Compliance with privacy regulations is a non-negotiable aspect of making your online education safe. Educational institutions must follow laws, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to ensure that students' information is safe and confidential. 

When complying with privacy regulations, schools protect students' data and against hefty fines and legal implications. They also set security standards for responsible data management practices, which are ethical and safe for everybody.

Addressing cybersecurity risks and data security features

When you find armed bullies in your schoolyard, you want them out. In a more civilized world where education moves into online playgrounds, you need to address different aspects of cyber security risks.

What can you do?

  • Implement strong security measures like user roles, management, and LMS security matters.
  • Regularly update software and systems
  • Patch vulnerabilities that cyber attackers may use
  • Conduct routine web security assessments
  • Educate users about hacker tactics and data breaches
  • Avoid weak passwords, even if you have multiple accounts
  • Be careful about sharing personal info and sensitive data
  • Collaborate with IT professionals on strengthening security features
  • Stay informed about security breaches and protocols

As you can see, many ways to prevent data from malware attacks exist. Only one may not suffice, but combined, it can make a strong fortress of security for students and educators alike. 

Worried about your Edtech Platforms Privacy and Security? Get an Edtech Expert to help you.

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Protecting students is protecting the future.

Online education evolves daily, and protecting students through LMS data protection practices is essential. Online schools can implement data encryption, domain-based registrations, advanced encryption standards, multi-factor authentication, and regular backups. Students and staff can visit some courses about security awareness e-learning where they will be educated about threats of cyber attacks and how to avoid them. Admins can monitor security activities on the platform. 

Implementing a learning management system data protection can seem small, but it’s a significant step toward protection and security. The equation is simple: the safer the environment, the more students and educated people–the brighter the future. And it all starts with one little step. 

It all starts with you. 

Petra Rapaic
Content Marketing Associate

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