Episode 5 | Mathew Verghese | Personal Growth Consultant

8th Feb 2023
1hr 25mins
Table of Content

Meet Mathew Verghese! 👋

Mathew Verghese is a personal growth consultant for the Proctor Gallagher Institute USA. With over two decades of experience in finance and auditing, Mathew now helps individuals uncover their potential and achieve their goals.

This episode is a great listen if…

✅ You're Keen on Personal Development and Growth

✅ You're Facing a Career Transition

✅ You're Interested in Mind Science and Its Applications

✅ You're an Educator Looking to Enhance Your Approach

✅ You're Venturing into the Digital Space with Your Content

What you’ll uncover in this episode!

Get in Touch with Mathew Verghese! 🤝

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If you have a unique training like Mathew’s and you are looking to digitise the experience from end to end, we can help! EdisonOS is your one-stop hub for every resource you need to start, run, and manage your education business from A-Z.

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Compiled by
Pooja Gajraj
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